a bit about me:
I have received my BA degree in Architecture. I recently received my MFA degree in scene design & technology at UMass Amherst. Storytelling has always been my biggest passion and I always try to explore different approaches to tell stories. I’ve played in different plays as an actor and dancer and worked in physical theater for a couple of years. Also, for several years, I have managed and directed a musical / theater group” DAGHIGHAN CHI” and we have had over 800 performances for kids in Iran. I have designed, directed, and written all musical plays for this group.
I designed two shows at UMass Amherst “WHAT OF THE NIGHT” by María Irene Fornés and “Bacchae of Euripides”. Before my thesis, I participated in “MARIONETTE”, a Collaborative Technical Design and Fabrication Project at UMass which led me to choose puppetry for my thesis. Due to the pandemic, closing the campus, and studying and working from home, I lost my access to resources on campus therefore, I looked for a solution so I could continue working on my project at home.I created a puppetry Stopmotion movie that tells the story of Shahnameh. Communicating this story with the puppets is directly influenced by Kheime Shab Bazi (Iranian Traditional Marionette Theater) and shadow play found in old Iranian history. You can watch it on Set Design Project page.